How to Create Gender Neutral and Unbiased Job Descriptions

Half male half female image

In today’s dynamic workplace, attracting top talent means creating a welcoming environment that celebrates diversity and inclusivity. And that starts with the words you use to describe your open positions.

Biased language in job descriptions can subtly reinforce outdated gender norms, making it harder for women to break into male-dominated fields and for men to pursue traditionally female-associated careers.

Imagine a world where your job description is a beacon of opportunity, inviting individuals from all backgrounds to showcase their skills and passion. A world where your words empower and inspire rather than discourage and limit.

To achieve this, let’s examine some common stereotypes that can creep into job descriptions and how we can transform them into inclusive language that embraces the full spectrum of human potential.

The stereotypes below certainly don’t apply to everyone. They are gross generalizations. But it is important to make note of them when writing a job description:

Stereotypes about men:

Stereotypes about women:

These stereotypes often spill onto job descriptions. This narrows the applicant pool and hinders diversity because they can deter qualified candidates from different genders who don’t see themselves reflected in the desired traits.

Hiring managers, even with good intentions, can be influenced by these stereotypes, leading them to unconsciously favor candidates who fit the perceived gendered expectations for the role.

To eliminate bias in job descriptions, employers should use gender-neutral language: Avoid pronouns like “he/she” and focus on skills and experience instead of stereotyped traits. Clearly state a commitment to a diverse and inclusive workplace in the job description.

Here are 10 Common Gender-Biased Keywords:

  1. Aggressive: Can stereotype women as lacking assertiveness.
  2. Dominant: Implies a preference for forceful personalities.
  3. Rockstar: Often associated with male-dominated fields.
  4. Passionate: Often used for women’s emotional expression, not skills.
  5. Competitive: Might deter women who value collaboration.
  6. Driven: Can imply an expectation of long hours, hindering work-life balance.
  7. Visionary: May be seen as a masculine leadership trait.
  8. Decisive: Can discourage women from expressing concerns.
  9. Tireless: May deter candidates seeking healthy work-life boundaries.
  10. Ninja: A trendy term often associated with young men.

On the other hand, here are 20 inclusive keywords

  1. Collaborative: emphasizes teamwork and partnership
  2. Analytical: highlights critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  3. Creative: welcomes innovative and unconventional approaches
  4. Adaptable: encourages flexibility and willingness to learn
  5. Resilient: values perseverance and ability to overcome challenges
  6. Empathetic: recognizes the importance of understanding and considering others
  7. Motivated: prioritizes self-initiative and drive
  8. Communicative: emphasizes clear and effective communication skills
  9. Interpersonal: highlights relationship building and collaboration skills
  10. Solution-oriented: focuses on finding practical solutions to problems
  11. Resourceful: values efficient use of resources and ingenuity
  12. Strategic: highlights long-term thinking and planning skills
  13. Growth-oriented: emphasizes eagerness to learn and develop new skills
  14. Data-driven: promotes an evidence-based approach to decision-making
  15. Proactive: encourages taking initiative and anticipating needs
  16. Independent: values self-sufficiency and ability to work autonomously
  17. Open-minded: encourages receptiveness to diverse perspectives and ideas
  18. Passionate: recognizes genuine enthusiasm and interest in the work
  19. Dedicated: highlights commitment and loyalty to the organization
  20. Experienced: values knowledge and skills gained through work and learning

Finally, here’s are two inclusive job description examples

For a Human Resources Business Partner

Join a diverse and inclusive team and build rewarding careers across our organization. As a Human Resource Business Partner in Riyadh, you’ll be a strategic advisor, partnering with leaders to attract top talent, cultivate a thriving work environment, and navigate the evolving employment landscape in Saudi Arabia.

We value diversity and inclusion. We encourage applications from qualified candidates of all backgrounds.

For a Full-Stack Senior Software Developer

We’re building cutting-edge software, and we need your expertise!

At [Company Name], we’re passionate about making technology accessible and impactful. Join our vibrant team as a Senior MEAN Stack Software Developer and play a key role in crafting the future of our [industry/products].