Reaffirmation Agreement
A Reaffirmation Agreement is an agreement made between the debtor and a creditor to reaffirm a debt.
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Reaffirmation Documents - Director's Form 2400A
Reaffirmation Agreement - Director's Form 2400 A/B ALT
Reaffirmation Documents Director's Form 2400A
- Part I - Reaffirmation Agreement
- Part II - Debtor's Statement in Support of Reaffirmation Agreement 11 U.S.C. 524(k)(6) and Rule 4008. States the reaffirmation agreement does not impose an undue hardship/is in debtor's financial interest, and that they received a copy of the Reaffirmation Disclosure Statement. The debtor's statement must be accompanied by a statement of the total income and total expense amounts stated on schedules I & J. Rule 4008
- Part III - Certification by Debtor(s) and Signatures of Parties.
- Part IV - Certification by Debtor's Attorney (If represented by counsel during course of negotiating the agreement.) 11 U.S.C. 524(c)(3). The attorney either agrees that the agreement does not impose an undue hardship and that attorney fully advised the debtor of the legal effect and consequences of the agreement. Or checks the box stating that there is a presumption of undue hardship, but in the attorney's opinion the debtor is able to make the payment.
- Part V - Debtor's Disclosure Statement 11 U.S.C. § 524(k). Discloses important information such as amount reaffirmed and annual percentage rate. cautions debtor to consider the decision to reaffirm carefully.
Reaffirmation Agreement Director's Form 2400A/B ALT
- Part A - Disclosure Statement, Instructions and Notice to Debtor
- Part B - Reaffirmation Agreement
- Part C - Certification by Debtor's Attorney
- Part D - Debtor's Statement in Support of Reaffirmation Agreement
- Part E - Motion for Court Approval
- A motion for approval is required when the debtor is not represented by an attorney during the negotiation of the agreement. The motion should be filed separate from the agreement. See Reaffirmation - Motion for Approval)
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U.S. Bankruptcy Court ● Southern District of Mississippi