Transcript Entry

Enter all of the coursework you completed at all US and English Canadian colleges or universities attended. See Foreign and French-Canadian Transcripts and Study Abroad or Overseas US Transcripts for guidelines on foreign coursework. Note the following:

Note that if you don't want to enter all your coursework yourself, our specialists can enter it for you for an additional fee. See the Professional Transcript Entry Service (PTE) topic for more information.

Enter a Term

  1. Click Start to begin entering courses for a college or university.
  2. Add a semester, quarter, or trimester depending on the term system you selected in the Colleges Attended section.
  3. Select a term.
  4. Select a year. Options are based on the time spans you selected in the Colleges Attended section.
  5. Select an academic status. Academic status refers to your status during the term you are inputting, not your current status. Refer to the list of Academic Status definitions below for more information.
  6. Select a completion status. If you're entering courses for a term that is currently in progress or planned, select In Progress/Planned.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Continue adding terms, as needed.

Academic Status Definitions