Charter bus service agreement

Bus Charter Agreement

Thank you for selecting B & W Charters for your upcoming trip. We are committed to providing you with the very best service possible, and are sure that you will be pleased with the quality of our equipment and drivers. The confirmation you receive serves as your contract for the transportation requirements shown on it. Please review the charter details on this confirmation to confirm our understanding of the services we will provide. We must receive your signed and dated copy of this confirmation, in addition to the payments, by the due dates shown on the confirmation. Keep one copy for your files and return one signed copy with your payment. If you are unable to return a signed copy of this confirmation or are paying by charge card please send a return email indicating that the charter details on the confirmation are correct to

Typically confirmations require a 10% deposit of the total cost or $100 per coach, whichever is greater. This is due at the time of booking before a confirmation is sent. If paying by check, please write the charter number on your check. If paying by credit card a convenience fee of 2%, of the amount charged, may be added to the cost of each payment. Final payment is due at least 30 days before departure unless the trip is booked under 30 days prior to departure. In this case payment is due at the discretion of B&W Charters management. Payments made within 14 days prior to departure must be cash, cashiers check, money order, wire transfer, or credit card.

Cost is based on the services detailed on the confirmation and is subject to change in accordance with your actual itinerary. An itinerary must be sent with deposit or final payment due date. Final price is determined by the actual final written itinerary. Additional use of the coach beyond the miles or hours stated on the confirmation may result in additional charges and will require a signature from the group leader.

Driver gratuity is not included in all charter prices. If it is not included in your charter price please consider tipping your driver in advance or at the conclusion of your trip. Our drivers do work for tips. We can add driver gratuity directly to your contract charges upon request. If your contract does not include a tip, please consider tipping your driver. Standard gratuity is between 10% and 25% of the contract charges. 26% + is greatly appreciated by our drivers.

Itineraries – It is EXTREMELY important that you email B&W Charters a FULL itinerary with times, location names, and addresses of each destination at least 30 DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR DEPARTURE. Verbal itineraries are not acceptable. It MUST be in writing via fax or email. By providing this ahead of time we can make sure our drivers are fully aware of what is required of them.

Driving overnight – In the interest of safety we have reduced the number of trips that we will book, which require the driver to drive through the night. Each trip with a late departure time will be vetted. At that time a determination will be made if we can book the trip. If for safety reasons a trip cannot be booked, we ask that clients consider adjusting their departure time to 6:00 a.m. or later.

Cancellations – If the signed or emailed confirmation and payments are not received by the due dates on the confirmation, your charter is subject to cancellation without notice. All cancellations must be made in writing, no exceptions. Cancellations must be received 30 days prior to the departure to insure a full refund. Charters cancelled 29 to 15 days prior to the departure date can at most receive half of the charter total back. Charters cancelled 14 days or less may not receive a refund at all. If a trip is cancelled and rescheduled for a later date, there maybe a cancellation fee. All cancellations fees are to the discretion of management.

Idling – Drivers are instructed not to have the bus idle unless necessary.

Lease equipment & Breakdowns – B & W charters reserves the right to lease equipment from other companies in order to fulfill this agreement. In case of mechanical breakdowns this equipment may be the same or as close to it that can be found available at that time. In case of mechanical breakdowns, for which we can assume no responsibility or liability. B & W Charters cannot guarantee the assignment of requested drivers or vehicles.

Miscellaneous information – Driver will only drive allotted DOT hours. Charters will be performed as ordered unless affected by safety, traffic, or weather conditions. B&W Charters will not be held liable for loss of time due to inclement weather. B&W Charters will not be responsible for reimbursement for missed ticketed events or hotel reservations due to any of the above reasons, or mechanical breakdowns.

Some vehicles are equipped with DVD players and color monitors. B & W Charters does not provide movies for viewing you must bring your own. We will not be held responsible for any video/DVD, USB, #110 charging stations, or wifi equipment malfunctions.

The booking client is responsible for the driver’s hotel accommodations on overnight trips if applicable.

Smoking is prohibited on all coaches.

The chartering party is held responsible for any damage to the coach and will be charged accordingly for any damage done by them or their passengers.

USB & #110 Charging Stations – Some of our coaches have USB & / or #110 charging stations on them and some do not. Of the coaches that do have them, some are at every seat and some of them are clustered in charging stations at a few of the seats throughout the coach. The #110 charging stations not at every seat are in stations of 2-4 plugs per unit. Depending on the model of coach some have a unit at the first and last seat on the drivers side. Other models have them at the first seat, one in the middle of the coach, and one at the last seat in the rear on one side. Most of our large coaches do not offer USB or #110 charging stations. Some of our mini coaches have one USB charging station above each seat. They also have one #110 charging station at the front of the coach. Please note only some of our mini coaches offer these features. We do not guarantee all USB, #110 charging stations, radios, DVD players, and CD players will work properly 100% of the time.

Wifi – Some of our coaches are equipped with complementary wifi. Due to bandwidth constrictions many streaming websites are blocks. We are not responsible and will not be held liable for what passengers on the vehicles browse online. We do not guarantee wifi will work properly 100% of the time and will not issue refunds if it does not.

Alcohol & security deposits – Absolutely no passengers under the age of 21 are permitted to consume alcoholic beverages while on the motor coach. Drivers are instructed to contact local authorities in the event that underage consumption is occurring. NO alcohol may not be brought on to vehicles for wedding charters by guests. The actual wedding party may be allowed to have alcohol on the vehicles prior to the reception. No alcohol may be brought on to the vehicles after the reception by the wedding party or any other guests. Non wedding clients wishing to have alcohol on a vehicle need to let the charter agent know when the trip is quoted or at the time it is booked. The request may or may not be granted. Only passengers over 21 may be permitted to have alcohol on the vehicles in cans or plastic containers in situations where it is permitted. No glass cups, glass bottles, jello shots, or kegs. A $200 refundable security deposit is added to any wedding charter that provides guests shuttling or any non-wedding charter that wishes to have alcohol on the vehicle. The security deposit is not refunded if somebody gets sick on the coach, the vehicle is trashed, or something is broken. If something is broken in which the replacement cost exceeds $200.00, then replacement cost will be charged to the chartering party for any damage done by them, or their party. Some security deposits are waived depending on the the nature of the trip. If you are not sure please ask at the time of booking. All charged fees are at the discretion of management, are final, and not subject to arbitration. By paying any amount of the charter cost the chartering party agrees to this stipulation.

It is understood and agreed that the performance of the service detailed in this order is subject to tariff regulations.

Animals – No animals will be permitted on the vehicles unless they are service animals with proper identification.

Baggage and all other property – Will be handled only at the passenger’s own risk and only in the amount that can conveniently be carried in the the chartered bus. B&W Charters will not be held liable for any lost or damage items brought on to or underneath any of the vehicles.

Fuel Surcharge – B&W Charters reserves the right to charge up to an additional 5% of the total charter cost to cover an increase in the cost of fuel due to sudden price shocks in the market. You will be notified in the event this surcharge is required at least 14 days prior to departure. Please budget appropriately.

Driver Coercion – Clients or anyone in a chartering party are prohibited from inducing a driver to operate a commercial motor vehicle under conditions which would require him or her to violate one or more of the regulations, which the driver identified at least generally, i.e. hours of service, that are codified at 49 CFR parts 171–173, 177–180, 380–383, or 390–399, or §§ 385.415 or 385.421.

Arbitration, mediation, and dispute resolution – In the event of a dispute in which arbitration is required the chartering party will be responsible for all fees including that of B&W Charters. If a chartering party utilizes our transportation services and does not pay the bill due for services rendered, B&W Charters reserves the right to take that party to court or arbitration to re-coup B&W Charters costs. If B&W Charters has to go to court or arbitration, against the chartering party, to have payment remitted, the chartering party agrees to pay all legal fees of their own and B&W Charters. In the event the chartering party is found liable and is ordered to pay B&W Charters, the decision will be biding and final. Further more the chartering party waives their right to appeal the decision. If a client / chartering party or any passenger on a B&W Charters vehicle is involved in an accident in which B&W Charters is not deemed liable for, the chartering party and any passenger on a B&W Charters vehicle agrees to waive their right to sue or hold liable for any reason B&W Charters.

Outstanding balances – In the event that a charter is performed by B&W Charters and the chartering party defaults on payment or does not pay the final balance within 60 days, B&W Charters reserves the right to charge the chartering parties credit card for any outstanding balance. In addition the chartering party waives their right to dispute any charge to their charge card for an outstanding balance. If B&W Charters has to go to court or arbitration, against the chartering party, to have payment remitted, the chartering party agrees to pay all legal fees of their own and B&W Charters. In the event the chartering party is found liable and is ordered to pay B&W Charters, the decision will be biding and final. Further more the chartering party waives their right to appeal the decision.

In case of an emergency or urgent changes during non-business hours please call 269-599-3001. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 09.00 – 17.30 E.S.T. By paying any amount of any charter or by utilizing our services, the chartering party acknowledges that they understand and agree to the general terms and conditions listed at the following link.

Current B&W Charters Covid-19 Safety precautions

• Limiting the number of passengers per bus when possible to one person per seat or one person every other seat. This is not a requirement but is recommended.

• Seats on buses may blocked off and clearly marked to make sure passengers maintain proper distance, 6 feet, if possible. This is not a requirement but is recommended.

• Requiring all drivers to wear face masks. We also require drivers to wear appropriate gloves when necessary.

• It is recommended but not required that all passengers wear masks and gloves, except children under the age of two or those who are medically unable to wear a face mask.

• Hand sanitizer is placed on the coach at the entrance.

• Buses are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after each trip, using state-of-the-art cleaning products.

• We have installed partitions on some vehicles where possible to provide a physical barrier between drivers and passengers.

• During charters all high touch areas are sanitized to prevent the spread of Covid-19

• To minimize the spread of Covid-19 restrooms are not in use at this time unless there is an emergency. The drivers will stop at rest areas upon request.

• We also encourage you to visit the CDC that provides the most up to date information on COVID-19. Please visit the link

WAIVER of LIABILITY.–The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is reported to be contagious. The state of medical knowledge is evolving, but the virus is believed to spread from person-to-person contact and possibly by contact with contaminated surfaces and objects or in the air. People reportedly can be infected and show no symptoms and therefore spread the disease. The exact methods of spread and contraction are unknown, and there is no known treatment, cure, or vaccine for COVID-19. Evidence has shown that COVID-19 can cause serious and potentially life threatening illness and even death.

B&W Charters cannot prevent you [or your child(ren)] from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 while utilizing B&W Charters’s services or premises. It is not possible to prevent against the presence of the disease. Therefore, if you choose to utilize B&W Charters’s services and/or enter onto B&W Charters’s premises you may be exposing yourself to and/or increasing your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK.– I have read and understood the above warning concerning COVID-19. I hereby choose to accept the risk of contracting COVID-19 for myself and/or my children in order to utilize B&W Charters’s services and enter B&W Charters’s premises. These services are of such value to me [and/or to my children,] that I accept the risk of being exposed to, contracting, and/or spreading COVID-19 in order to utilize B&W Charters’s services and premises in person

WAIVER OF LAWSUIT/LIABILITY.– I hereby forever release and waive my right to bring suit against B&W Charters and its owners, officers, directors, managers, officials, trustees, agents, employees, or other representatives in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19 related to utilizing B&W Charters’s services and premises. I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claims including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up any claim I may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen.

Vehicle listings and amenities are below.

Our 47 & 56 passenger motorcoaches are equipped with reclining seats, arm rests, foot rests, climate control, VCR/DVD, TV monitors, PA system, luggage bays, overhead luggage racks, individual reading lamps, and a restroom. Please note that some coaches are equipped with 110-volt outlets, USB/MP3/Bluetooth inputs, and WiFi.

Our 26-30 passenger coaches are equipped with reclining seats, arm rests, climate control, overhead luggage racks, complementary wi-fi, individual reading lamps, PA system, CD/USB/MP3/BlueTooth inputs, DVD player, TV monitors, and USB charging stations below each seat. Our 16 passenger coach is equipped with reclining seats, arm rests, climate control, digital receiver with bluetooth & USB/MP3 input, VCR/DVD, TV monitor, overhead luggage racks, and reading lamps. Our 14 passenger van is equipped with cloth seats, climate control, CD player, USB & MP3 input, and reading lamps.

Our 24 passenger San Francisco style trolley coaches are fully enclosed with a climate controlled interior, and a politician platform in the rear. They offer a blend of modern amenities with the look and feel of yester-year. Amenities include an oak paneled interior, oak bench seats, brass rails, authentic trolley bell, large panoramic windows, interior lights, sound system, digital receiver with bluetooth & USB/MP3 input, PA system, 110-volt outlets, and a wheelchair lift. All coaches are professionally serviced and maintained.