The first two (2) requests for paper copies of student transcript are free for current students. Additional paper copies of student transcripts requested will cost $1 per transcript. (Please be aware, requests cannot be processed without a clear copy of a signed photo ID (such as a driver's license) and a $5.00 in cash or money order included with your request).
*Please read the following information before ordering your transcript*
Please contact the last school you attended to request your transcript if you graduated or withdrew from a Volusia County School within the past 3 years.
- Student records are confidential and can be released only by written consent from the student once they attain age 18.
- Student Records can be sent via US mail, faxed or e-mailed. (Volusia County Schools cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any
information that is sent via fax or email, also note that transcripts that are faxed or emailed may not be considered official by the
receiving agency).
- Immunization Records may not be available if you withdrew or graduated from school before the 1996 school year.
- If you received a GED, please call the Florida Department of Education, GED office at 1-877-352-4331.
- If you received an Adult High School Diploma, please call Daytona State College Adult Education at 386-506-3162 or 386-506-
- SAT and ACT scores may not be available on High School Transcripts, please call 1-866-756-7346 for SAT scores, and 319-337-
1000 for ACT scores.
- You may request your transcript by mail or in person. All requests are processed in date order and mailed to the authorized
address approximately 3 business days once received.
If you are not able to access the form, please make your request in writing with following information:
- Your name
- Your name while you were attending school (maiden name)
- Your date of birth
- Your mailing address
- Where you would like us to mail your transcript
- The last Volusia County School you attended & the approximate year
- The type of record you are requesting
- Your signature
Please send a clear copy of a signed photo ID (such as driver's license), included with your letter, and a $5.00 in cash or a money order for each transcript requested to the following address:
Volusia County Schools
Archives & Records Management
PO Box 2118
Deland, Florida 32721
If you would like to request your transcripts in person our physical address is:
Volusia County Schools
Brewster Center
Archives & Records Management
200 North Clara Avenue
Deland, Florida 32721
When requesting in person, make sure to bring a photo ID and $5.00 fee. If you have any questions, please contact Teresa Skipper,
[email protected]